Honor friends, colleagues, and family members in a meaningful way with a tribute or memorial gift. Your gift to the Los Angeles Fire Department (LAFD) Foundation can be used to support the area of most urgent need, or you can designate it to a specific program. The LAFD Foundation staff will send a personalized letter to the honoree or honoree's family to inform them of your thoughtful gift while keeping the amount confidential (unless otherwise requested).
To learn more about how to designate the donation, and provide the necessary information, for this gift please email

If you would like to direct gifts to the LAFD Foundation in an obituary, here are some suggested memorial gift language:
In lieu of flowers, donations in memory of _______ may be made in support of the ________ campaign for the LAFD Foundation. Please make checks payable to LAFD Foundation and mail to: 1700 Stadium Way, Suite 100, Los Angeles, CA 90012 or donate online here. The Campaign should be written in the memo line. Thank you for your thoughtful support of the LAFD Foundation.
The family of ________ requests that memorial gifts be designated for the __________ campaign with the LAFD Foundation. Memorial gifts can be made online at or mailed to 1700 Stadium Way, Suite 100, Los Angeles, CA 90012. The campaign should be written in the memo line. Thank you for your thoughtful support of the LAFD Foundation.
Please reach out to if you would like to set up a unique link to track all donations dedicated to honor your loved one's memory. This link would be used in the underlined sections above.